Haiti and American Media "Reporting"

When I heard that there was a 7.0 earthquake in/near Port-au-Prince, I knew that not only would there be devastation, there would be a major fall-out from the devastation. Economically considered  to be  "the Western Hemisphere's poorest country," Haiti's infrastructure is not prepared to withstand an earthquake of this magnitude. The earthquake has displaced hundreds of thousands of people, most of whom do not have the resources to begin re-building their lives. Hundreds of thousands of survivors are now homeless and starving, and the detestation is only growing. There is no best case scenario in Haiti.

(Warning: Some viewers may consider footage to be graphic)

The American media is largely exploiting the situation in Haiti for political/ideological benefit. I love John Stewart for pointing this out.

While it was questionable to put Maddow into the same category as the disgusting right wing demagogues featured before her, it was a valid decision, as Stewart was making the point that there are times when politics should be laid to rest in favor of compassionate journalism. I don't think he was stating that Maddow should not be discussing the Obama Administration's take on foreign aid distribution, I think he was stating that she should show more compassion and perhaps make it a subject which stands on it's own, as opposed to exploiting the tragedy in Haiti in order to prove her own political point. Whether or not she is right or wrong, sane or insane, is irrelevant to the point Stewart made.

At first I was a surprised to see her in the same segment as the Pat Robertson, but on second thought, I realize the importantance for journalists with such a high caliber of journalistic and personal integrity to be called out ; that is to say, none of us are perfect and we can all improve that in which we excel. Judging from every other comment Stewart has made regarding Maddow, I believe his choice to include her in the segment came from a place of deep respect. I also believe that he should have either added more liberal journalists in the segment (so as not to make the comparison so stark) or perhaps put her in a different segment altogether (including other journalists who made comments appropriate to their craft, but lacking the compassion the situation calls for as well). 

As for Pat Robertson, I am not shocked. If "pact with the devil" is the same thing as a people overthrowing throwing their European colonial oppressors and establishing an independent black nation, then yes, Haiti has a unique bond with the Devil. Or maybe he is just taking a moment to discuss one of the many skeletons in his closet, and can't help but replace "Pat Robertson" with "Haiti." He is a hate monger, and I was elated to see how easily John Stewart was able to knock him down with biblical quotes. I loved watching Stewart sound more like a preacher than Robertson ever will. I found it moving, actually. 

Let's not forget Haiti's history as the original freedom fighters:

The only speck of light I see in the hateful reasoning of Robertson and other like-minded so-called christians, is the reality that many people jump to believe this thought process because they cannot accept that tragedy happens to innocent people. People don't want to believe the world is an unfair place, or that their god is "unjust." I think that people who so easily go to blaming the victim come from this place. It takes a lot of faith to to reconcile the possibility that god is in the opportunities to do good that come in the wake of tragedy, not necessarily in the suffering and chaos of tragedy itself. (Bad things do happen to good people, accept it, move on with your life!) 

Whether or not we choose to believe that god had a hand in the earthquake that happened on Tuesday makes no difference to the devastated reality of the nation. If we consider ourselves kind and loving human beings, however, it behooves us to relinquish our status as victims of injustice, lay our own struggles to rest (if only temporarily), and act to help those in need.

My love and prayers go out to all Haitians around the world, especially to those who have suffered in this tragedy.

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